Comic for: March 24th, 2009
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Guest Strip: "Conceptual Problems III"
Posted: Tuesday March 24th, 2009 by

Here's the last of Mitch's "Project: World of Starcraft" series. And as I mentioned last time, this is my favorite. The pun was just irresistable. The eye rolling is almost involuntary. And, I know you've seen it twice already, it's still relevant; so, here's what Mitch had to say about his submissions:

So I was reading through some literature on StarCraft II, and it got me thinking about the future of StarCraft. The question that has at some point popped into practically every gamer's mind is: "Is there going to be a World of StarCraft sometime in the future?"

So building on that idea, I imagined a conversation between a CEO and a "super secret project dev" at Blizzard. Their conversation would set the premise for several panes to follow, and end up back at their conversation.

-Mitch (AKA Mitcheypoo)

Thanks a third time Mitch. It was a great series in my opinion. And where you may have wanted them to run consecutively initially, I think spreading them out kept it from feeling like we were beating the readers over the head with the idea.

Hope you agree.

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