Comic for: December 2nd, 2010
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Woody & Ted: "Priorities"
Posted: Thursday December 2nd, 2010 by

It's true, today I'm at SOE Denver checking out Magic the Gathering: Tactics and DC Universe Online. And Ted? Well...

Apparently Uwe is making a sequel to the travesty of a film he called In the Name of the King which supposedly had something to do with Dungeon Siege. Oh and this time around he's drafted Dolph Lundgren to star.

Here's what Uwe had to say about Lundgren's role in the movie:
It's like contemporary, right now big city, and we have Dolph Lundgren basically being a cop or like a fighting coordinator working as this, and one night he gets attacked by ninjas in his house and fell with the ninjas into a vortex back in time.

And then it turns out it's like 50 years after the first part In the Name of the King ended, and Ehb is destroyed and everybody is dead, Jason Statham and everybody who was in the first part, got wiped out.

They say he was basically sent into the future, he's the son of Jason Statham, and he was sent into the future, brought up in an orphanage, because the parents felt that they would all die. So he is basically the last survivor of the kingdom of Ehb so he should bring the kingdom back in charge.


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