Comic for: December 7th, 2010
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World of Warcraft: "Release Day"
Posted: Tuesday December 7th, 2010 by

So today is release day for WoW's new expansion Cataclysm. Last night, I logged in a couple of hours before the servers updated and tooled about with Grek, just checking things out as an 80, until the switch got flipped a little after 1am server time.

Relogged after the server message that Cataclysm was ready. Bought my flying. Then traveled to the bottom of the sea to grab about half a level before logging off for the night.

Luckily, I work for myself. So, I don't have to call in sick. And though I knew this was going to be the comic for today before I ever logged in, it was funny to see how many people in the Trade channel had in fact already took days off or were planning on calling in sick so they could play the game.

Anywho if you're on Doomhammer and you're not damn dirty Alliance, feel free to send a message to Grektholar and tell me howdy.

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