Comic for: April 13th, 2015
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Netflix: "Binging"
Posted: Monday April 13th, 2015 by

When I'm working or playing WoW, I like to put Netflix up on the other screen. I am a fan of a LOT of the Netflix Originals. And the new Dare Devil show is no different. I'm not really binge watching it as the comic implies. I've only watched one episode thus far. Episode two is streaming while I write this. But, have no doubt. I will binge it at some point. It's good. The fight scenes are phenomenal! I don't know what Matt Murdock's fighting style is, but it's incredibly fun to watch.

Now, the thing with Ted. He's plenty old enough to make his own food. Hell, I think I've even drawn him cooking in the comic. But, I bet that "poor puppy" begging thing is entirely relatable. I know I'm not the only one that looks up and it's 6 hours later. You've burned through a good portion of X-Files season 2; you've still got hours of work to do on this business plan that should have been finished three days ago. And, the tiny little handsome face is there reminding you that you promised to play a game before bed time.

It's the nature of the beast sometimes. That work has to get done. And no matter how many 3am writing shifts we pull, there's always more work to do. I think that's what I like most about tabletop gaming though. The minute you start opening the box, all of that delay is forgotten. You roll three claws in King of Tokyo, take the city from Mom, score two Victory points, and having to wait while dad begs for just a few more minutes "I've got one more email to send" disa-damn-ppears.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've been working on this comic since before theBoy got home. And there some unfinished work to do on his new outdoor playset.

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